
Within the climate theme, the Cirrus Foundation aims to support projects that offer solutions in climate challenges. The Cirrus Foundation sees the  power of diversity as a solution for realizing a cleaner and more sustainable world. This should take into account different perspectives and interests.


We pay special attention to projects that focus on circular economy. Increasing awareness, for the realization of a positive effect on natural capital, is an essential part of this.


The Cirrus foundation supports the 13nd sustainable development goal.

Please find more about SDG here


February 10 2022


The Cirrus Foundation supports Juttersgeluk  from Overveen.  Juttersgeluk combines beach-cleanups with a social upcycle studio. They make and produce new products from plastic litter found on the beaches. Cirrus supports Juttersgeluk  for a period of 5 year.  We will try to stimulate more cooperation for an optimized social-circular effect.